Here's an invitation from Alvin Martin and myself. On Friday 7 October, Alvin will be hosting an evening at RUSSC in Romford featuring the protagonists of our next film Academy 74.

Academy 74 is due to be released this Christmas on Amazon Prime Video - and we want YOU to be involved. This player night is being produced to raise some finance for the film's production and shoot some final scene's.
Without your help, these films can't happen. The evening of October 7 will mark the first anniversary of the film's production, and I need you to help me across the finish line, by telling me why West Ham United fan's have such devotion to their Youth Team's over the years.
For tickets, please contact E13 Events, who are kindly donating their efforts to make this project as special as it can be. Ian Morgan can be contacted on 07958472847 - I hope to see you there! It should be a great night.
